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Here I am!



Bio: He cut his RPG teeth on basic red box D&D at eight years old. Moved on the AD&D, Shadowrun, RIFTS, World of Darkness, and Now back to Savage RIFTS! He is a father of 4 great kids and a Wonderful no nonsense wife! His kids game with him, and is the director of  "The RIFTS Living Campaign CLUB" To summarize his hobbies here is the power trio; Guns, Gardening, and games!


Tournament Game Concept:  


Planted on top of a 8 square mile flat
field, the Mega Walled city of New Strawn is home to descendants of the cataclysm and is governed by a city counsel. This township wasn't built here by accident, as it has a pre-Rifts cultural history, which is of great importance due to the city that was centered around the Wolf creek Nuclear plant.

However, New Strawn lacks people skilled in scouting and scavenging. Despite its strengths and weaknesses, New Strawn is most likely headed towards a stable future under the leadership of the Governing city counsel. But this remains to be seen.




If you wish to be added to the Game Master hall of fame Please let us know!

Jason Scott

Tournament Game Concept:

The Dragonclaws!

Before the coming of the rifts.. a small, worthless silver mine in Colorado had played out early and turned into a bust. But after the Rifts, the metal blossomed and took on new characteristics that made it an excellent material for use in Enchanting and techno-wizardry. 10 years ago, this attracted a powerful dragon named Arturaxxus, who decided to found a town on the abandoned site. Thus was born the town of New Arcadia. 

Arturaxxus was no fool, and although the site was remote, deep in the Colorado wilderness, it was still plagued with problems. They have had a militia to defend them from attack, but today Arturaxxus has decided to form an elite force to defend the town by helping to bring stability to the region. The Dragon claw teams will be small combat groups that will be organized and deploy all throughout the region. Their mission statement will be to foster peace and promote stability both in New Arcadia and its surrounding settlements. The key to their success will be diversity and adaptability.

Do you have what it takes to become one of the Dragon's Claws?


IGM Bio:  

Tremo's a would-be reliquarian of the old-school Dungeons & Dragons scene, born in the early 80's.  He started into the genre not with TSR's Red Box set, but SSI's Gold Box release for the PC.  When he finally got into the real tabletop paper-and-pencil games he quickly developed a renown amongst his third-edition compatriots for encyclopedic 
rules knowledge and as the "Keeper of The Laptop of Truth", with vast PDF resources and quick fingers to settle any dispute (he was once clocked at 112+ WPM!!).  

Nowadays he's trying his hand as a newly-fledged GM in the new Savage Worlds adaptation of Palladium's much-lauded RIFTS campaign setting.  He can be seen co-officiating with Cameron Cleveland at convention games hosted at the LAX Hilton.  

Tournament Game Concept:


A trans-polar expedition out of Northern Gun, headed clear across the globe to the west Pacific, has thrown a motley crew of adventures and profiteers from North America into
the pot with shadowy cyborg assasins and taoist sorcerors in the colorful Lands of the Rising Sun.  


From long summers in High School full of video games and Warhammer 40K, John created a passion for war games and RPG. Throughout many a vodka filled night in college and and extensive movie collection, he refined his ability to find the best parts of stories. After graduating, he started playing Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 ed. John would always bring a fun attitude and throw around as many curve balls as he did fireballs with his wizard. While running Savage Rifts he still throws around some crazy curve balls and maintains a fun attitude while delivering a great narrative.


Tournament Game Concept:


Hidden in the backwater territories of the Coalition States lays Boonseville, Arkansas. Boonseville is a small settlement of dimensional beings that maintain a small refuge for those hunted by the Coalition such as mutants, DB's, magic users, and others that are not found fit for Coalition society. Boonseville may be a small backwoods settlement for outcasts, but there is plenty of adventure to be found. They are always seeking supplies to stay afloat, dodging Coalition scouting parties, and all sorts of evils found in the swamps that wash up from the nearby Federation of Magic.

Juan Eddie Shoemake

I've been playing Dungeons and Dragons since I was 17 while in boot camp for the Navy (ask me about it it's a great story) I progressed up to 3.5 and Pathfinder now I'm involved in Savage Rifts hoping that everyone one has a great time.


Tournament Game Concept:


Atlantis Emerging:


As the team is relaxing in town, near a coast, a group of marauders attacks the town. In the middle of the attack, unexpected sea force comes to their aid. The team is asked aboard and offered medical attention or whatever they may need. After they are asked by the leader if they would be interested in going on a mission along the Atlantean coast near the Bermuda Triangle. What will they do?



While Anthony was a video gamer all my life, he began his exposure to tabletop gaming in 2008 (fortunately AFTER graduating from college), beginning with D&D 3.5, followed by Shadowrun Fourth Edition. From there he has become enamored of all tabletop games, both good and bad. His first exposure to Rifts was from one of Palladium’s yearly X-mas grab-bags, and after devouring the contents of the book he was hooked on Rift’s wacky yet awesome setting.


While Anthony is no stranger to drama, comedy is his muse. Anthony’s games tent to be action packed, with plenty of wacky humor to go around. Fortunately, the Rifts setting is perfect for both instances.


Tournament Game Concept:


Join Anthony as he leads a group of adventurers from cash-strapped rags, to mega-damage riches! They’ll go from zero to…not hero probably! All the while, the adventurers will face all sorts of opponents and opportunities: The Black Market seeking to make a profit off of their finds, the Coalition States attempting to stifle any pre-Rifts exploration, and a shadowy organization attempting to find the greatest prize of them all!


If you wish to be added to the Game Master hall of fame Please let us know!

​James Diefenderfer

James Diefenderfer began playing Roleplaying Games back in 1989, beginning with Palladium’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness. James continued playing TMNTaOS for the next decade, branching out to Magic: the Gathering and Decipher’s Star Wars TCG when his group became lean. In 2000, James tried Dungeons and Dragons 3E which is where he met the group that would be his stable group for the next 7 years; during this period, James was exposed to a plethora of gaming systems, such as: Rollmaster, Traveler, Arduin, HARN, HERO, GURPS, Hackmaster, White Wolf and Battletech. In 2007, James discovered a Palladium group in his neighborhood and returned to his roots, playing in a Nightbane game that he eventually took over GMing duties for. Then in 2008, a goldmine was discovered, James won a copy of Splicers in a Monster Bash event and fell in love, ideas for characters and campaigns could not get onto paper fast enough and there has been no going back since.


Tournament Game Concept:


Halt and Splice Fire:

House Taan has an ambitious plan to upload the personality of their founder, the great Krujes Taan, into a N.E.X.U.S. Relay Station, in order to facilitate this, they need to gather allies in the Wastes to draw out and distract the Relay Station’s defenses while House Taan's Commandos and Technojackers sneak in and upload Krujes' brain engrams. If successful, Krujes' presence within N.E.X.U.S. may just give the Resistance the edge in the war that they so desperately need.

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